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microcirculation Archives — Matrix-Wellbeing
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What is pain?

Conventional beliefs and medical science tell us that:

We all perceive and feel pain differently. We all know that Pain is an uncomfortable feeling or sensation that tells you something may be wrong. It can described as being steady, throbbing, stabbing, aching, pinching, etc. Sometimes, it's just an irritation, like a mild headache.


The most common causes of muscle pain are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries. Systemic muscle painpain throughout your whole body — is more often the result of an infection, an illness or a side effect of a medication but can be due to what is known as Fibromyalgia.


What is the function of pain? Pain forms part of an evolutionary and behavioural role. It is part of the body's defense system, producing a reflexive retraction from the painful stimulus, and help's protect the affected body part while it heals, and avoid that harmful situation occurring in the future.


This is Matrix-Wellbeing's approach to pain:


Here at Matrix-Wellbeing we see pain as the indication that the cells in your body tissue are in desperate need of oxygen!


As damage has occurred on a cellular level due to swelling, inflammation, stiffness, tightness, spasticity after injury, surgery or over-exertion, your cells do not get enough space to oscillate freely. This severely restricts the flow of fresh oxygen from the red blood cells to the site of congestion/injury.


The Mitochondria, also called the power houses of the cell, do not get enough oxygen to produce energy and this leads to further tissue and muscle contraction, resulting in restriction of movement and pain.


Unfortunately, if the cells starving for oxygen do not receive help on time, they wither and eventually die. Then further complications often set in, as the tissues struggle to survive without oxygen.


Matrix Rhythm Therapy provides the required oscillations between the physiological frequencies of 8 to 12Hz. This is the frequency that synchronizes with the body's Extra Cellular Matrix to re-establish the disturbed rhythm at the cellular level. The therapy increases the oxygen supply to the cells by improving the microcirculation and thereby restoring the energy production.


By Matrix-Wellbeing, ago